Saturday, February 20, 2010

Whenever I drink too much it's to escape from my head, as cliche as that sounds.
To escape from my worries and my fears and my nervousness and my self-hate and my ...self. To be free and happy and fun.
But it always makes things worse. Why don't I get that yet?
I end up hurting the people I love the most, ultimately worrying more, fearing more, getting more nervous, and hating myself more.
I'm very, very sorry.
I don't want to lose my boyfriend or my best friends because I get too drunk sometimes.
It never used to be like this. I used to be a fun drunk.

I'm definitely going to limit my intake when I drink.
Alcohol is starting to hate me.

I am 21, I'm supposed to have fun when I drink, not be depressed.

1 comment:

  1. I'm giving you a hug, just because I think I know how it feels to be depressed and drunk together. I drunk to be happy just as you, but now my life has changed thanks to people I've known in time, and it's better. You have to believe in yourself and get strong, you're alive, alive! life is yours, don't waste it. :) I know I'm younger than you, and you might say 'what the hell she's trying to teach me, damn little girl', but I believe in life, and I just wanted to tell you something that could help. kisses.
